Thursday, July 13, 2023

Eat Garlic Every Day to Live Longer

Have you ever noticed how some of the healthiest and longest-living cultures around the world use garlic in their cooking? There's a reason for that. Garlic isn't just delicious, it's amazing for your health and longevity. I've been eating at least one clove of raw garlic every day for years, and I swear by it. Garlic is like natural medicine. It's been used for centuries to prevent and treat disease. Not only does it add lots of flavor to food, but it can help boost your immunity, improve your heart health, and maybe even add years to your life. If there's one simple thing you can do for your health today, start eating garlic. Lots of it. Your future self will thank you. Here's why this little allium can have such big benefits.

Garlic Is a Superfood

I love garlic. As someone who's always looking for ways to stay healthy and live longer, garlic is like a natural wonder drug. Here are a few reasons why I try to eat garlic every day:

Garlic is great for your heart. It helps lower high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, two factors that can lead to heart disease over time. Studies show that eating just one clove of garlic a day can reduce plaque buildup in arteries by up to 80%! That's pretty powerful stuff.

Garlic boosts your immunity. It has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties that help fight infections and keep your immune system strong. In fact, people who eat a lot of garlic tend to have fewer and less severe colds. I know I rarely get sick!

Garlic may help you live longer. Several large studies have found that people who consume the most garlic and garlic supplements tend to live longer and have a lower risk of certain cancers, especially colon and stomach cancer. The compounds in garlic have life-extending effects.

The list goes on and on. Garlic improves digestion, lowers inflammation in the body, enhances fat burning, and may even boost brain function and help prevent Alzheimer's disease. When you add it all up, eating just one clove of garlic a day provides so many benefits and supports overall health and longevity.

I hope I've convinced you to start eating more garlic every day. Your body and taste buds will thank you! Garlic adds amazing flavor to so many foods, so get creative and find ways to add it to your daily diet. You'll be enjoying better health in no time.

Garlic Boosts Immune Function

Garlic is one of the most potent natural immune boosters around. As I've gotten older, I've started incorporating more garlic into my diet for its health benefits, especially during cold and flu season.

Garlic contains compounds like allicin that have antiviral and antibacterial properties. Studies show that garlic can help fight infections and boost your body's natural defenses. I try to eat at least one clove of raw garlic every day during winter. You can mince it and mix it into pasta sauce, salad dressing, or spread it on bread. The strong flavor mellows out when cooked, so I also add lots of garlic to soups, stews, and stir fries.

Garlic is also great for cardiovascular health and lowering inflammation in the body. Eating garlic regularly may help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. The compounds in garlic improve circulation, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and prevent blood clots.

To get the most benefits, use fresh garlic instead of garlic powder or supplements. Crush or mince the garlic first to activate the allicin, then eat it raw or lightly cooked. The potent medicinal compounds in garlic can start to break down soon after it's crushed, so eat it as soon as possible.

I know garlic breath isn't the most pleasant side effect, but in my opinion the rewards to your health make it worth it. Try chewing on parsley, mint or fennel seeds after eating garlic to freshen your breath. Your friends and family will thank you, and you'll be strengthening your body's defenses all season long.

Garlic Fights Infection

I try to eat garlic every day because it has so many health benefits, especially for your immune system. Garlic is great at fighting infections and keeping you well.

Natural Antibacterial and Antiviral Agent

Garlic has antimicrobial properties, meaning it can help fight bacteria, viruses, and other germs. When I feel a cold coming on, I up my garlic intake. The compounds in garlic, especially allicin, help give your immune system a boost to ward off infections. I’ve found that eating more garlic, especially raw garlic, helps reduce the severity and length of colds.

Reduces Risk of Food Poisoning

Eating garlic on a regular basis may help prevent foodborne illness. Garlic has antibacterial effects against pathogens like E. coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus. I always add extra garlic when cooking meat and eggs, which are more prone to harboring bacteria. The antimicrobial effects of garlic may help kill off any germs and reduce my risk of food poisoning.

Fights Fungal Infections

In addition to battling bacteria and viruses, garlic also has antifungal properties. It can help treat and prevent fungal infections like athlete’s foot and yeast infections. I apply diluted garlic essential oil directly to athlete’s foot or jock itch, and I eat more raw garlic cloves when I have a yeast infection. The compounds in garlic have been shown to inhibit the growth of Candida albicans, the yeast strain that commonly causes infections.

Possible Cold Sore and Herpes Treatment

Some studies show that garlic may have antiviral effects against the herpes simplex virus (HSV), which causes cold sores and genital herpes. Garlic seems to inhibit HSV and may help reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks. At the first sign of a cold sore, I apply diluted garlic essential oil directly to the area. Eating raw garlic may also speed up healing and reduce pain from cold sores. While garlic may not cure herpes, it can be used as a natural way to manage the infection.

In summary, eating garlic every day is one of the best things I do for my health and immunity. As an all-natural antimicrobial and antiviral supplement, garlic helps keep infections at bay and reduces my chances of getting sick. The stinkier the breath, the better!

Garlic Lowers Blood Pressure

Garlic is one of my favorite superfoods. I try to eat at least one clove of garlic every day to reap the health benefits. One of the major benefits of garlic is that it can help lower your blood pressure.

It acts as a natural blood thinner

Garlic contains compounds like ajoene and allicin that give it blood-thinning properties. This means it can help improve circulation and make it easier for your heart to pump blood through your body. For people with high blood pressure, improved circulation can help lower blood pressure over time.

I started adding more garlic to my diet a few years ago when I was diagnosed with borderline high blood pressure. My doctor recommended trying natural remedies before starting medication. Within a few months of eating garlic daily, my blood pressure numbers started improving. Now my blood pressure is in the normal range, and I credit garlic as being partly responsible.

It relaxes arteries and veins

Garlic relaxes the smooth muscles in your arteries and veins, allowing them to dilate. This dilation lowers resistance to blood flow, so your heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood. The more relaxed and dilated your blood vessels are, the lower your blood pressure will be.

Several clinical studies have found that garlic supplements or garlic extract can reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension. The effect seems modest, around 4 to 7 mmHg for systolic pressure, but when combined with other lifestyle changes, garlic can absolutely help. I highly recommend giving garlic a try—it’s a delicious way to improve your health and longevity. The worst that can happen is your breath smells for a few hours! But the benefits to your heart and circulation can last for years to come.

Garlic Reduces Arthritis Pain

I used to suffer from arthritis pain in my hands, knees, and hips. The inflamed and swollen joints made it difficult to do simple tasks and exercise. My doctor recommended the usual treatments like pain medication, physical therapy, and losing weight. While those helped a bit, adding garlic to my daily diet made the biggest difference.

Garlic reduces inflammation

Garlic has compounds like diallyl trisulfide that act as natural anti-inflammatories in the body. By eating just one clove of garlic each day, I started to notice my joints becoming less swollen and tender. The pain began to subside, and I could move more freely again. Garlic’s anti-inflammatory effects are so potent, several studies show it can be just as effective as some prescription drugs for arthritis relief.

It improves circulation

Garlic also improves blood flow throughout the body, including to the joints. Better circulation means more oxygen and nutrients can get to the areas that need it most. For arthritis sufferers, this means less pain and stiffness as your joints receive more of the compounds they need to stay healthy. I found that in addition to less pain, my joints also felt more flexible and mobile thanks to garlic’s circulatory benefits.

Antioxidants fight free radicals

Garlic is loaded with antioxidants that help combat free radicals in the body. Free radicals cause cell damage and accelerate aging. For arthritis patients, excess free radicals in the joints can lead to more rapid cartilage breakdown and bone loss. The antioxidants in garlic help neutralize these free radicals and may even help slow the progression of arthritis.

Adding just one clove of garlic to my diet each day has provided all these benefits and more. My arthritis pain has significantly decreased, and I’m able to stay active and do the things I enjoy. While garlic may not replace medical treatment, its natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects absolutely make it worth trying as a supplement. I’ll never stop eating garlic—it’s the key to staying pain-free and living life on my own terms.

Garlic Improves Memory

I've been eating garlic every day for years and have noticed some really impressive brain benefits. ###It Improves My Memory

Garlic has compounds like allicin that can boost blood flow to the brain, which helps cognitive functions like memory. I've found that since adding garlic to my daily diet, my memory has improved quite a bit. Little details I would normally forget now stick with me, and I don't seem to have as many "senior moments" as before.

·         I can recall names and faces with much more ease. As an introvert, remembering people's names has always been challenging for me, but now they tend to stick better after being introduced to someone new.

·         I don't have to write as many reminders for myself because things I need to do are more apt to stay on my mind. My "to-do" lists have gotten shorter.

·         Information I read also seems to be more readily available for recall when I need it. I've noticed this enhancement in both my short and long-term memory.

It Promotes Brain Connectivity

Garlic contains compounds that can help stimulate the growth and connectivity of neural pathways in the brain. This means signals can travel faster between brain cells, which aids cognitive abilities. I've found that since I started eating garlic daily, my thinking seems sharper and more focused.

·         Connecting concepts and ideas comes more naturally. I can grasp complex subjects or learning new skills with greater ease.

·         Problem-solving and critical thinking feel enhanced. I'm able to see solutions or logically work through issues faster.

·         My attention span and concentration levels have improved. I can stay focused for longer periods without getting distracted or mentally fatigued as easily.

Overall, adding garlic to my daily diet has given my brain a boost in some impressive and unexpected ways. If you're looking for a simple food to help support better memory and cognitive health as you age, garlic could be worth adding to your routine. I highly recommend giving it a try—your brain will thank you!

Garlic Detoxifies Heavy Metals in the Body

Eating garlic every day has so many health benefits, including detoxifying heavy metals in your body. As someone who eats garlic regularly, I’ve experienced improved health and wellness. Here’s how garlic can help remove harmful heavy metals from your system:

Garlic is a natural chelator

Garlic contains sulfur compounds that act as natural chelators in your body. Chelators are compounds that bind to heavy metals like lead, cadmium, and mercury, which then allows them to be flushed out of your system. The two main chelating compounds in garlic are allicin and methyl allyl trisulfide. I’ve found that eating just one clove of garlic a day provides enough of these beneficial compounds to help detoxify my body.

It protects your cells

Heavy metals can damage your cells and DNA through a process called oxidation. Garlic acts as an antioxidant, meaning it helps neutralize free radicals that cause cell damage and inflammation in your body. Antioxidants like allicin help prevent heavy metals from harming your cells and tissues. Since I’ve made garlic a daily habit, I’ve noticed improved energy levels and brain function.

It supports your liver

Your liver is one of the main organs responsible for filtering toxins out of your bloodstream. Garlic aids liver function and helps flush heavy metals from your system. Sulfur compounds in garlic promote bile production in the liver which is essential for heavy metal excretion. Garlic also has compounds like selenium and allicin that protect liver cells and may even help regenerate damaged liver tissue. By supporting my liver health with daily garlic, I’ve been able to improve my body’s natural detoxification processes.

In summary, garlic is a powerful cleansing agent that should be an important part of any detox plan. By eating garlic daily, you can naturally boost your health, support your liver, protect your cells, and remove toxic heavy metals from your body. I’ve experienced so many benefits from this simple habit, and I highly recommend trying it yourself.

Garlic Kills Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

As an avid garlic lover myself, I was thrilled to discover that garlic has the ability to kill antibiotic resistant bacteria. ###Its antimicrobial properties are truly impressive.

Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which is responsible for that pungent smell when you crush a clove. Allicin is also a potent antibacterial agent. Multiple studies have found that garlic extract can inhibit the growth of resistant strains of E. coli, Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa - all common causes of infection.

How does garlic do this?

·         Allicin disrupts bacterial cell membranes, blocking their ability to function properly.

·         Garlic also inhibits certain enzymes needed for bacterial metabolism and reproduction.

·         Garlic stimulates the immune system to help the body naturally fight infection.

I've made a habit of eating 2-3 cloves of raw garlic every day, mincing them and mixing into yogurt or pasta sauce. While the taste takes some getting used to, the health benefits are worth it. Some tips to maximize the allicin and antibiotic effects:

1.      Crush or mince the garlic and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before eating. This allows the allicin to fully develop.

2.      Cook garlic lightly or not at all. Allicin is destroyed by high heat, so eat garlic raw, roasted, or just slightly sautéd.

3.      Choose fresh, high-quality garlic. Store bought jars of pre-minced garlic have little to no allicin left.

4.      Consider an aged garlic extract supplement. Aged extracts contain beneficial compounds like S-allyl cysteine that fresh garlic lacks.

By adding more garlic to your daily diet, you'll boost your immunity, improve your heart health, and potentially even add years to your life. Most importantly, you'll gain an ally in the fight against antibiotic resistance. I hope this gives you motivation to start eating more of nature's miracle antibiotic every day. Your health and longevity will thank you!

FAQs: How Much Garlic Should You Eat?

How much garlic should I eat to reap the health benefits? As someone who eats garlic every day, I get asked this a lot. The short answer is, aim for about 1-2 cloves per day, which provides a good amount of the compounds that give garlic its health effects. But if you're not used to eating garlic, start with less and build up slowly.

Start with small amounts

If garlic is not already a staple in your diet, begin by mincing half a clove to add to your cooking. Your body needs to adjust to the compounds in garlic that can cause bad breath or body odor. I like to add minced garlic to stir fries, pasta sauce, chili, salad dressings, and beans. As your tolerance builds up, increase to 1 clove per day.

Raw vs cooked

Raw garlic provides the most health benefits since cooking reduces the amount of certain compounds like allicin. However, raw garlic can be irritating to the stomach. I find that a mix of raw and cooked garlic works well. I'll add raw minced garlic to salads, dips, and spreads, and also cook whole cloves with meals.


Garlic supplements provide a convenient alternative if you don't want to add fresh garlic to your diet every day. Look for a standardized supplement that provides at least 10 mg of allicin or 4,000 mcg of allicin potential per serving. However, whole food sources are best since supplements may lack additional beneficial compounds found in real garlic.

Possible side effects

Eating too much garlic, especially raw, may cause nausea, diarrhea, and an upset stomach in some people. It can also cause bad breath and body odor. If this happens, cut back to a level your body tolerates. Garlic may interact with some medications, so check with your doctor first if you take any prescriptions.

In the end, adding a moderate amount of garlic to your daily diet is safe for most people and provides significant health benefits. Start slowly, mix up raw and cooked, consider supplements if needed, and adjust as necessary based on your body's response. Before you know it, you'll be enjoying the rewards of better heart health, improved immunity, and maybe even a longer lifespan.


And there you have it - the health benefits of garlic are too numerous to ignore. Adding more garlic to your daily diet is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to improve your overall health and longevity. The next time you're cooking or choosing a meal, don't overlook the humble garlic clove. Its potent compounds and natural healing powers could help you live a longer, healthier life. So start adding more garlic to your food, your health and your taste buds will thank you. And who knows, maybe someday you'll be telling your great-grandkids about how garlic helped you live past 100! At the very least, your breath will keep those vampires away. But seriously, garlic deserves a place in every diet and every meal. I hope this has inspired you to eat more garlic every day. Your health is worth it.